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Afanasy Utkin
Afanasy Utkin

[S2E8] The Eternal Engineer

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[S2E8] The Eternal Engineer

Well, the Eternal Engineer, he's always been a social engineer, hasn't he He'd have to be. He rendered us all into his system. And even though his engine may be eternal, the rest of Snowpiercer She still runs on meat. All one thousand thirty-four cars long.

This is what Wilford wants to do to Snowpiercer, starting with her engineers and leaders, but then continuing on to even the most lowly Tailie. Just like on Big Alice, he needs them all to know that they are talentless, worthless nothings without him, who should be devoting the rest of their lives to praising him for allowing them to live and serve him.

But the real problem for Layton, of course, was Mr. Wilford himself. There was no way to compete with or bottle Wilford's celebrity, and each time Joseph visited Snowpiercer only excited the people for his eventual takeover. Meanwhile, Wilford took advantage of his own intimate knowledge of Snowpiercer's eternal engine, which was only exceeded by the absent Melanie Cavill. When Wilford saw that the unrest aboard Snowpiercer resulted in thousands of red lanterns lit in all 1,034 cars - proving that the train was "calling for Mr. Wilford" - all Joseph had to do was send Icy Bob (Andre Tricoteux) to disable Snowpiercer's water intake (even though it led to Bob's death). Wilford then swept in with the only "God module" that could save the eternal engine from a complete shutdown. Yet Wilford's hack almost didn't succeed because of changes that Melanie made to the engine. However, this also worked in Wilford's favor because, once he was in the engine, he could address the people of Snowpiercer that he had arrived to save the train. Sure enough, Wilford "saved" Snowpiercer from the crisis he engineered himself. And once Mr. Wilford was in the engine eternal, he was there to stay, with Snowpiecer's support and approval.

Layton has been struggling with his limitations as Snowpiercer's leader all throughout season 2 but Wilford really rubbed it in while they were both in the eternal engine. Joseph didn't miss any chance to remind Andre that he isn't an engineer and he didn't understand the technical problems Wilford, Javier (Roberto Urbina), and Ben (Iddo Goldberg) were dealing with. Wilford's barbs about how Layton could think he could run the train when he didn't know the slightest thing about how it worked only underlined Andre's insecurity with his failing leadership. Even Josie (Katie McGuinness) had harsh words for Layton's command when she told him that revolutionaries make the worst political leaders.

In Layton's defense, he's a genuinely good person, which is why he earned the loyalty and admiration of Roche, Bess, and Ruth Wardell (Alison Wright), even though Layton mistrusted and tried to shut the Head of Hospitality out of his inner circle of confidantes. Layton wanted the Tail to have rights and for all of Snowpiercer's passengers to share the same status in order to benefit the train as a whole. wever, Layton just didn't have the time for his democracy to take root and he lacked the ability to capture Snowpiercer's imagination like Mr. Wilford. Even Layton's attempts to keep Wilford's arrival in the eternal engine backfired and Wilford was right when he boasted that he was "too big to keep a secret". Unfortunately, Layton just couldn't play the kind of three-dimensional chess Wilford (and his supporters) excelled at, and he didn't have Melanie to rely on to see what he couldn't.

An engineering catastrophe forces Layton to make a difficult choice that might cost him everything. Guest Stars: Katie McGuinness, Sam Otto, Steve Baran, Anup Sehdev, Brent Stait, Garfield Wilson, Andre Tricoteux, Sakina Jaffrey, Damian Young, Andrea Ware, RJ Fetherstonhaugh, Tom Lipinski, Elaine Kao, Mike O'Malley, Aleks Paunovic, Karin Konoval, Miranda Edwards, Kelly-Ruth Mercier, Esther Ming Li, Matthew Mandzij, Previous EpisodeNext Episode

A true visionary and businessman, Mr. Wilford has built an empire around his technology and engineering wizardry. With Snowpiercer, he introduces his masterwork, a self-sustaining closed system environment designed to save humanity from the Freeze.

Now convinced that Ash was indeed The Promised One, the local "primitives" began to treat him like a king, including the beautiful maiden Sheila (who was responsible for knocking Ash into The Pit in the first place). Informed by The Wise Man that the Necronomicon was the key to returning to his proper time, Williams set out on a quest to retrieve the book from a cursed graveyard. Ash's odyssey would be interrupted by the supernatural at almost every turn, which included a chase through the Dark Forest from the shapeless Kandarian Demon, an attack from miniature duplicates of himself, and the creation of a full-sized "Evil Ash" grown out of his own body. Ash would eventually retrieve the Ex-Mortis from the cemetery in which it laid, though not without fumbling the simple incantation which would allow the safe removal of the book from the cursed grounds. His failure to recite the words resulted in the creation of an army of Deadites (led by his undead doppelganger) arising from their graves and attacking Castle Kandar in order to reclaim the Necronomicon. Using a combination of 20th Century engineering and weaponry, Ash, Lord Arthur's subjects, and Henry The Red and his troops successfully defeated the legion of darkness. With the battle victorious, Arthur's Wise Man used instructions found within the Ex-Mortis to create a potion which would allow Ash to sleep his way back to his proper time.[7]

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Wendy has published three books of piano music, the first two with Debra Wanless Publishers (, the third with She has, with Christopher, created 31 MicroMusicals which are taught as part of the curriculum in a number of UK schools> Wendy writes story-lines, lyrics, and in some cases the melodies; she has also co-authored 10 books of songs from the Micromusicals, for use in vocal examinations and Festivals. Wendy has also written new melodies for 20 John Wesley Hymns which are being released as Eternal Depth by and as audio under the title Wesley Rediscovered. She is proud to say that her youngest son Jeffrey has been the sound engineer and also a musician on the last project and his daughter Riviera is one of the singers on the album! Finally, Memories, a book of songs with music and words by Wendy, is about to be published by 59ce067264


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